Therapy for Families

We all have our own vision of what a happy family life looks like. Ideally, family is there to support your endeavors, respect your needs, and love and care for you no matter what. You hope that your family can provide a “secure base” to come home to when the rest of life gets tough.

But it doesn’t always look this way. Conflicts arise. Misunderstandings happen. Old wounds go unhealed. And these disconnects get in the way of having the close and joyful relationships you desire. Instead of a feeling of belonging, you feel stress, hurt, and heartbreak.

These harmful cycles may seem impossible to navigate, but family therapy can help.

Families come to therapy because

They love each other, but the family is also plagued by tension, fighting, and stress.

A lack of boundaries makes it difficult to maintain a relationship that makes everyone feel safe and understood.

One or more family members are having trouble understanding and accepting the identity or choices of another.

A recent stressful event has caused disruption in the family.

As parents age, the family wants to reconnect while they can.

Parents and siblings want to get through to an adult child who needs help.

Other differences between family members that seem impossible to reconcile without help.

Safe Space

I can provide a space that is supportive and empathic so that you feel safe to express your feelings, thoughts, and needs with each other. Through our work together, we can uncover the underlying issues that are causing conflict. Family therapy enables you to communicate in a way that allows you to really hear and understand one another, both during our sessions and beyond.

You can find empathy where there was previously anger. You can feel seen where you have previously felt invisible. You can feel love where you previously felt hurt.

Life is short and your family deserves better.