About Me

The quest for a happy life is ultimately a quest for fulfilling love, work, and play.

We long for rewarding relationships - with friends, families, partners, and with ourselves. And particularly at this moment in our world when so much seems uncertain, it’s never been more important to find joy in our work and in our pastimes.

I understand the quest for satisfaction firsthand. I also know that it begins with a commitment to self-discovery and healing.

So many of us end up on the path we’re “supposed” to take. In my case, I got two degrees in business and ended up with a career in finance because all signs seemed to point me toward a living that looked great on paper. To make that period even harder, my personal relationships just didn’t work. I seemed to be attracting the wrong type of people into my life and everything felt bleak.

It was clear that my definition of success wasn’t going to be confined to spreadsheets. After years of confusion and “figuring out” how to be happy, I moved across the country and entered a period of soul-searching and therapy. During this time, I found my true calling: a degree in clinical psychology and a career that’s aligned with both my skills and my passions.

I am passionate about what I do. It’s an honor to sit with my clients as they allow me to witness the most vulnerable parts of them. I feel a strong bond with my clients. I am emotionally invested in their happiness and success. It is so rewarding to watch them develop confidence, self-love, and a sense of empowerment.

What needs to change in your life?

Finding contentment isn’t always about a new career and a move to the opposite coast. (Though I would love to help you explore all the possibilities, even the big changes that seem almost too big to contemplate!)

Ultimately, satisfaction and happiness can be yours when you take the time to look within. When you find the clarity and courage to create the existence you long for, your inner and outer worlds align, and the things that fuel your success and fill your heart will begin to appear naturally.

Therapy can help you bring your life into alignment.

In therapy, we will address difficult parts of your past because real healing becomes possible when you get to the source of the problem. Sometimes it’s unresolved pain from childhood, longstanding struggles with your family of origin, or traumatic emotional experiences from other times in your life.

This process is not just about looking backward. It’s about where you are today and where you want to go.

Therapy creates real, lasting change in how you see yourself and what’s possible for the future.

Clinical & Educational Background

My clinical experience includes therapy for adults, couples, and families at the Saturday Center for Psychotherapy; therapy for groups, adults, children, and families at the Maple Counseling Center; and therapy for adolescents at Family Services Agency of Burbank.

I have a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University and a Master of Science degree in Business Communications from Ithaca College.

Wherever you are, let’s discuss the next best steps.